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Bio 20 meets 

Career and Technology Studies (CTS)

Professional Inquiry Project:

How can I encourage engagement and reinforce career awareness in Biology 20?


This inquiry project came together serendipitously as the result of considering whether student engagement might increase through connecting Biology 20 to career opportunities. I also wanted to move toward offering inquiry-based projects in class. Having come fresh out of Career and Technology Studies (CTS) for non-majors, I mentioned these interests to my Teacher Mentor and discovered that he was already a step ahead. He has been offering students the CTS Health and Social Services (HSS) 1010 course, a prerequisite for 6 Health Care Services (HCS) courses that align with, and extend, the Biology 20 curriculum perfectly. This came together into one idea – would students opt to extend a mandatory in-class project and presentation to complete the outcomes necessary for credit in a HCS course?

In order to incorporate student choice, I let students select any of the 6 human systems to do their project on. I also gave them the option to extend any of the human systems into the corresponding HCS courses. The result is that some students have opted to do anywhere from 1 to all 6 courses, earning up to 6 additional credits. One requirement of the extension is that students need to interview someone in a career related to their project inquiry. Interestingly, it is not only the students who chose to do the extension who are benefitting. This project has generated a greater awareness of career opportunities and connections for the entire Biology 20 class.

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"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"

Vincent Van Gogh

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I'm a passionate scientist and explorer who wants to connect students to the possibility all around them, and to help them take advantage of it. 

403 977-5516

Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions, thoughts, and suggestions! 

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